Thursday, September 08, 2005

Show bookings and licence requests

Interest is picking up in shows and licences. Yesterday a school in Albenga ordered a licence and also confirmed two days of shows on 24th and 25th October. Today Zola Predosa again reconfirmed renewal of the FunSongs licence for the 2005-2006 year.
On a less positive note we were still unable to find out about an unpaid invoice dating back to January 2005 for the sale of 80 CDs. Fortunately I now have a lawyer lined up in Milan - Avv. Mangiarotti - and won't hesitate to take legal action to secure payment if the situation remains stalled. Finally after the presentation at UCSB I received a mail from Andrea Arnsten-Harris who's studying at Chicago University. She's most interested in auditioning as a FunSongs performer.