Friday, September 16, 2005

Mid September Update

New logo

FunSongs Summer Camp - developments

After Monday's meeting with Sig.ra Melchiorri at Zola Predosa Council, I met up with Gloria Vannucchi on Wednesday and we visited the Falcone Centre in Riale, possible venue for the FunSongs Summer Camp. I also showed Gloria the new action song about dinosaurs "65 million years ago." The next day Sig.ra Melchiorri called to say we'd be dealing with Francesco Giacomini, the councillor who handles external relations with the schools and I'm waiting for him to contact me.
Yesterday I had a meeting with Davide Montanari of Casalecchio and also saw Roberto Mignani, the Deputy Mayor. He kindly introduced me to Elena Iacucci, Casalecchio's assessore per la Cultura and we scheduled a meeting for next Tuesday. I hope to have heard from Sig. Giacomini of Zola Predosa before then.

Shows and Licences

SDB have now completed the art work for the two promotional leaflets and they are now at the printers. The new FunSongs logos are ready too. The promo flyers should be ready for the TESOL conference in Rome which I'll be leaving for Thursday. Today I got confirmation for the shows in Albenga and Valle d'Aosta. I have a number of appointments with schools to discuss the licence. Spaggiari told me yesterday they'd be pushing the scheme at an E-learning conference in Genoa.


This week also saw further requests for workshops and conference talks. These include the ANILS conference at Cento in October and a workshop in Genoa sponsored by the Britsh School and Cambridge ESOL. I was also invited to speak at a conference in Chiari and organize two days of action song theatre workshops in Aosta in February.