Saturday, September 03, 2005

FunSongsNews early September

FunSongs is back at work getting ready for the new school year. Yesterday Charles Goodger met up with Sandro Morando of SDB and his partners to discuss the new Licence and FunSongs Show leaflet. It should be ready to go into print next week. Later in the day Goodger spoke to Davide Montanari of Casalecchio Library and arranged a meeting to fix shows for January and February 2006. He also spoke to Arrigo Speziali of ACLE/Theatrino about working together and they agreed to update at the 25th September TESOL Rome conference.
The Bologna office of UCLA and Indiana University are again interested in FunSongs Show opportunities for their students. Scott Bishop was in Bologna but is about to leave for Paris and will return in two weeks.