Sunday, September 18, 2005

The days ahead

Zola Predosa Council Offices

Official Summer Camp meetings scheduled

In the next few days FunSongs has two important meetings fixed with Zola Predosa and Casalecchio local government officials. On Tuesday 20th September at 5.30 pm I have a meeting with Elena Iaccuci, Assessore della Cultura of Casalecchio and then the next morning with Francesco Giacomini in his office in the big building depicted above. I hope Antonella Gasparini and Gloria Vannucchi (and Rossella Gualandi of Monte S. Pietro too if she has time) will be able to attend. The aim is to lay the basis for the first FunSongs Summer Camp, scheduled for June 2006.

Licence and shows news

Requests for FunSongs shows are picking up. The promotional campaign with the new leaflets will help.
Yesterday Preside Perani of Gazzaniga Istituto Comprensivo in Bergamo Province verbally confirmed renewal of their FunSongs licence for the 2005 and 2006 and also expressed interest in doing shows again. This is a good moment to announce the arrival of a new action song package Words for Time, Time for Words

On Friday and Saturday next week in Rome the annual national TESOL conference for English teachers takes place and I hope to make more contacts and incite further interest in FunSongs there. My session will take place on Saturday afternoon.