Monday, September 12, 2005

FunSongs Summer Camp 2006

Kids at a FunSongs Show

This afternoon I met with the FunSongs Summer Camp Committee (local teachers Antonella Gasparini, Gloria Vannucchi Rossella Gualandi) and the "Assessore della Cultura" Marilena Melchiorri of Zola Predosa Council to discuss the FunSongs Summer Camp. The idea is to provide local kids with a one or two-week full-immersion English language experience (using the FunSongs Approach)after the end of the school year. Sig.ra Melchiorri was most interested in the project and offered us her support. She will also help me to contact the right people in the neighbouring villages of Monte San Pietro and Casalecchio.
Linda Edwards of PET Brescia called to invite me to speak at a language teachers conference on October 20th. The event is sponsored by local educational pubslishers La Scuola .
Today we received a copy of the lastest issue of ET Professional containing my article "Songs in Action".
Thanks to the kind help of English teacher Carla Moretti of Milan's largest Scuola Media "Divona-Speri" I finally managed to complete the FunSongs Quiz Show leaflet and sent it off to SDB to get the graphics checked prior to printing.