Friday, December 22, 2006

End of the line? No it's 2007!

Itty and Britty at Scuola Carducci, Bologna
FunSongs Christmas Show 15 December 2006

FunSongs would like to wish everyone who appreciates our songs, material and shows a happy and peaceful Christmas holiday and all the best for 2007. Thank you for your interest and support.

Best wishes from us all at FunSongs, Italy.

Charles Goodger, David Crisante, Emelie Loeb, Andrew Tyree, Sarah Holloway

Saturday, December 09, 2006

FunSongs Christmas Shows!

David and Emelie with kids in Carpi (MO), December 2006

Teachers and children congratulate FunSongs!

The last few weeks have seen FunSongs actors Emelie Loeb from California and David Crisante from Sydney performing shows in three regions of Italy: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Most of the shows chosen have been FunSongs Christmas shows. This gives the teachers time to work on the songs and download material available from the FunSongs Resources website.

On 2nd December in Sant'Agostino near Ferrara David and Emelie - together with Quizmaster Charles Goodger presented two FunSongs Civiltà Quiz Shows and a Robin Hood FunSongs show to classes attending the local Scuola Media. The teacher, Prof. Anna Tassinari was highly complimentary and told us she would spread the word to other schools in the area. FunSongs is grateful to Giancarlo Guzzi for introducing us to Prof. Anna.

On 7th December Charles Goodger spoke about action songs at the British Council Conference for English teachers in Milan which attracted about 150 participants.

FunSongs English Weeks 2007

FunSongs English Weeks in Zola Predosa June 2006

FunSongs is starting to plan a series of FunSongs English Weeks camps for June 2007. On the basis of the success of last June in Zola Predosa, we hope to organize FEWs in three or more locations around Italy. Keep reading this blog for developments!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

FunSongs Halloween shows

Charles Goodger with teachers at a workshop in Genoa

This has been a busy period for Charles Goodger, author of FunSongs action songs with appearances at the national TESOL conference in Naples and a number of workshops and seminars in Veneto and Emilia. The British Council conference in Milan at the start of December will be another opportunity to inform teachers about the latest FunSongs proposals.

David Crisante at Scuola Carducci, Bologna

The end of October brought an intense series of FunSongs Halloween shows to a close in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Actors Emelie and David are now preparing for Monster, Christmas and Winter shows to perform in Valle d'Aosta, Milan Province and Emilia in November and December.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Our Autumn Song!

FunSongs Autumn Show in Modena

More and more schools are acquiring the FunSongs Download licence as teachers come to appreciate how effective using action songs can be in presenting new themes and language. Just last week there were orders from schools in Bologna, Bergamo and Valle d'Aosta.
The staff at FunSongs are busy improving and updating the song packages. For details and samples visit the FunSongs website.
In October Charles Goodger will be busy hosting a series of FunSongs workshops and seminars for teachers in Veneto and Emilia Romagna including a high profile LEND workshop on 20th October at ITIS Nobili in Via Makallé, Reggio Emilia. At the start of November he will be speaking at the national Tesol teachers conference in Naples.
This is also a time of rehearsal and with a spate of FunSongs Halloween shows booked for Halloween and the FunSongs actors Emelie Loeb from California and David Crisante from Sydney are gearing up!. The first shows this season are at a large Istituto Comprensivo near Bergamo on October 26th.
In the meantime work continues on the new FunSongs publication Songs in Action.

Monday, September 04, 2006

FunSongs gets ready!

FunSongs Monster Show, Scuola Corridoni Parma

With Summer 2006 almost over, there is growing excitement at FunSongs about the New School Year and the many challenges and projects that lie ahead. These include the new FunSongs textbook, Songs in Action, which should be ready for worldwide distribution in the first few months of 2007. Schools interested in Songs in Action may already use some of the songs and worksheets by acquiring a FunSongs Licence. For a limited period this is available at a reduced price. Please contact FunSongs directly for details.

In Italy the latest season of FunSongs school Show is about to start. FunSongs now has its own Sales manager Giancarlo Guzzi, responsible for all show bookings in the provinces of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena.

Following the success and interest generated by FunSongs English Weeks, Charles Goodger expects to reach a joint agreement with Zola Predosa Council to set up the very first FunSongs Language Centre. All details will be posted here!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Songs in Action in Production

Teaching actions for Our Autumn Song

A few days after the end of FunSongs Summer Weeks at the end of June, Serena De Santis, Claudia Catinelli and Charles Goodger met to plan the latest FunSongs publication "Songs in Action". This is a new photocopiable textbook containing twelve action song-based modules. It will contain a CD with two versions of the songs and multimedia material. Charles Goodger had originally been invited to publish a similar textbook with a large international publisher but then decided that FunSongs itself could do the job! Songs in Action should be available from the start of 2007.

FunSongs Summer Weeks
- an unforgettable experience

Jeff Canada with his Space Monsters

As you can see from the photos, the kids all had a great time - and also learned English as they danced, sang, played and drew. The second week was even more successful than the first. Charles Goodger and his team received praise for the quality of the organization and contents from FunSongs's sponsor, the local council of Zola Predosa as you can see in this email from local councellor Stefano Fiorini:

Ho avuto l'opportunità di constatare, tramite alcuni genitori che mi hanno informato, l'alto livello di questa iniziativa.
La relazione del Dr.Goodger mi conferma ancora una volta la sensibilità e la competenza di questo professionista che, peraltro, abbiamo la fortuna di avere come nostro concittadino.
Come cittadino e consigliere comunale ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a questa iniziativa. Cordiali saluti, Stefano Fiorini

Sunday, June 25, 2006

FunSongs English Weeks on Target

Amy, Team Leader of the Time Travellers

After more than a year's planning the very first FunSongs English Weeks project is underway! Every day last week 60 kids aged from 6 to 11 came to the Centro Torrazza in Zola Predosa near Bologna to take part in an intensive programme of action songs, games, competitions and handicrafts.

Children found themselves in one of four teams: Time Travellers with Amy Hough, Rainbow Kids with Scott Bishop, Space Monsters with Jeff Canada and Dino Pack with Emilie Loeb. Lots of fun and learning were had by all and many kids decided to enrol for the second week. As well as his stalwart Californian team leaders, Charles Goodger, who organized the event, was ably assisted by Massimo Braile, a local English teacher at the nearby Scuola Elementare Albergati.

Appreciation for FunSongs Rome shows

Amy and Scott performing the FunSongs
Monster Show, Rome April 2006

We were naturally glad to receive a highly complimentary review of the FunSongs shows performed in Rome at Scuola Elementare Lombroso Besso 105th Circolo in Rome last April including a mention on this important school's website. The teacher who invited us, Marzia Catalani, wrote this: "Abbiamo tutti trovato molto interessante il vostro modo di usare la lingua inglese attraverso il teatro e le canzoni e ciò che abbiamo visto sarà un buono spunto per i nostri lesson plans del prossimo anno scolastico. Le scrivo di seguito l'indirizzo del sito. Si trova una recensione sulla pagina "I nostri Progetti" per l'anno 2005-2006. Ringrazio Lei e la FunSongs e auguro a tutti voi buone vacanze."

I couldn't have put it better myself!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

FunSongs English Weeks countdown!

Now that May's almost over, the countdown for the very first FunSongs English Weeks is on! To date 65 children aged between 7 and 11 have enrolled for the event, some for two weeks. FunSongs will be relying on an all-Californian team of teachers and entertainers: Amy Hough, Scott Bishop, Jeff Canada and Emilie Loeb.
Italian teacher of English Massimo Braile will be assisting Charles Goodger and coordinating handycraft activities together with Emilie. FunSongs is grateful to local teachers Rossella Gualandi, Antonella Gasparini and Gloria Vannucchi for their encouragement and support.

The Union Song - teaching module goes live

Kids performing the Union Song

Though completed in January, Italy's INDIRE website, part of the Ministry of Education, waited until mid May to publish Charles Goodger's introduction to language learning action songs in the form of a free module based on the Union Song. The module is restricted to teacher trainees signed up with the training programme. Details of the site can be found at

Letter to Charles Goodger

This shows an extract of a letter (apologies for the poor scan) given to Charles Goodger at a teachers' conference in Venice recently. It was collectively written by Classes 4a and 4b of Marcon Primary School near Venice to tell the creator of FunSongs writer how much they like the songs and which are their favourites. Charles Goodger wrote back personally to the class to thank them.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

FunSongs English Weeks

FunSongs Animals Show, Zola Predosa 5th May 2006

As days get warmer and the school year draws to its close, the focus has switched to FunSongs English Weeks. Thanks to the support of local teachers and heads, Charles Goodger has been promoting the very first FunSongs English Summer Camp; it will take place at the Centro Torrazza, in Zola Predosa near Bologna from June 19th to June 30th. For further information please call or write Charles Goodger on +39 348 2338787.

FunSongs Stowaway Story in Ferrara

We used this ship as the backdrop to our show!

On Saturday May 6th alongside the River Po in Ferrara, Scott Bishop and Amy Hough in the roles of Captain Krettin and Sailor staged the very first "FunSongs Stowaway Story". This open-air event was sponsored by Assonautica to promote interest in yachting. It's a fast-paced musical based original action songs and chants and
tells the story of Jack, an 11-year-old English boy from Bristol who hides on The Esmeralda, a clipper bound for New York. Though everyone appreciated the show, Assonautica had failed to promote it properly and Scott and Amy ended up performing to just two 4 year-olds! It was a valid experience though and FunSongs will include the Stowaway Story in its new repertoire of shows for the 2006-2007 school year.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

FunSongs in Rome and Naples

Santa Chiara church in the heart of old Naples

April 2006 was a difficult month for schools in Italy as there were so many vacations and interruptions. The Easter vacation and, a week before, the national elections, broke up the month and considerably reduced the number of study days. However, FunSongs made the most of the month culminating in a successful Rome-Naples tour with Animal, Robin Hood and Monster shows at the 105th Circolo Didattico in Rome and at the Minucci Primary School in the Vomero district of Naples. The photo of this famous church was taken from the roof of our Bed & Breakfast in the chaotic but colourful downtown of the ancient city. The kids in Naples were particularly responsive to the FunSongs Approach.

FunSongs Stowaway Show in Ferrara

Our sponsor Massimo Gardelli
at the venue in Ferrara

Next Saturday 6th May, Scott, Amy and Charles will present the new Stowaway Story show sponsored by Assonautica. Watch this space for reports and developments.

FunSongs English Weeks

This is a copy of the official FunSongs English Weeks flyer. Next week Charles Goodger will start to promote the event at schools in Calderino, Zola Predosa, Casalecchio and Bologna.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

FunSongs in Lombardy and Modena

Bergamo kids question Scott and Amy at Longuelo

The last week of March and first week of April included shows in Saronno near Milan, Modena and then back to Lombardy, Brescia and Bergamo Provinces. Scott and Amy spent several nights on the road entertaining and teaching hundreds of kids. Many of the sessions were FunSongs Easter shows. License holders can download a series of new worksheets based on Charles Goodger's Easter! Easter! Click here for further photos of our Bergamo shows taken by Mestro Tix!

FunSongs stages Quiz Show for fourth and fifth formers

Che Guerrera, Charles Goodger and Amy Hough in Modena

On Saturday April 1st FunSongs was in Modena at Istituto Dante Alighieri for two Civiltà Quiz
Shows. The event took place outside in the school courtyard. This was the first time FunSongs has worked with High School 4th and 5th formers. The shows were arranged by Laura Valentini, FunSongs Modena agent.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

March 2006 - an action-packed month!

Scott and Amy teaching "Nature's Plan" at Scuola Cerretta, Bologna

As you can see from the "Calendario degli Eventi,"March 2006 was an action-packed month of FunSongs shows, conferences and workshops, all successful and well-attended.

FunSongs at "A Changing World"

At the National British Council Conference on 23 and 24th, Charles Goodger and Marica Triola demonstrated the power and effectiveness of action songs to an audience of English teachers. With the help of 22 fifth-formers from Bologna's Scuola Carducci where Marica teaches, participants were able to experience the approach first-hand.
The children sang and mimed several new songs including Words for Time and 65 Million years Ago.
The conference provided an invaluable opportunity for those keen to improve their language and teaching skills.

Writer Beppe Severgnini OBE and Charles Goodger
at the Conference

Charles Goodger had the opportunity to meet many old friends and make new contacts in the ELT field. FunSongs is grateful to LEND for allowing us some space on their stand. This collaboration was also extended to DOCET, the school materials exhibition which also took place in Bologna at the end of the month.

FSC - 19th June to 30th June

We can now confirm that the very first FunSongs Summer Camp for Primary school children will take place at the Centro Torrazza alongisde the Scuola Media in Zola Predosa. Families will be able to enrol their children in May.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

FunSongs at Modena Book Fair

Charles Goodger at the Memo Centre in Modena

Last Friday and Saturday FunSongs took part in the annual "Libri Senza Frontiere" educational books exhibition at the Memo centre in Modena. It was a good opportunity to meet teachers and tell them about FunSongs material and shows.

FunSongs Shows in Calderino and Castel di Casio

Scott and Amy at Calderino Tuesday 7th March

Last week FunSongs performed eight shows to children in local Primary schools in Bologna Province. Wearing the new FunSongs T-shirts, Scott Bishop and Amy Hough presented this season's first Easter Show. From comments received after the shows, teachers and children were delighted with the experience. This was FunSongs's third visit to Castel di Casio and fourth to Calderino.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Big turnout for FunSongs Cesena workshop

Head addressing participants

Last Friday 24th February at Scuola Elementare Rodari in Cesena, Charles Goodger, Marica Triola and Fiacra Stockman spoke about action songs, CLIL and Cambridge exams respectively. The event, organized by teachers Silva Severi and Valentina Biguzzi was extremely well attended with almost 100 participants.

Quiz Shows in Finale Emilia

Amy chats up the boys

FunSongs - Charles Goodger, Scott Bishop and Amy Hough - headed north out of Bologna for the country town of Finale Emilia early last Tuesday to host three European Civiltà Quiz shows. The event, also attended by the local press, was a great success.

FunSongs Summer Camp on track

Zola Predosa council building

Following a special meeting with Domenico Neto, head of the Servizi alle Persone department of Zola Predosa Council last 14th February, Charles Goodger can now confirm the FunSongs Summer Camp for local primary school children will take place from 19th to 30th June. FSC will be held either at Zola Presdosa's Centro Torazza or in school premises nearby. Watch this space for further developments.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

FunSongs Feltrinelli workshop in Bologna

Live Edutainment!

After an intensive week of FunSongs Animals, Time, Monsters and Robin Hood shows Charles Goodger and his team met up again today in the heart of Bologna at Feltrinelli Bookshop to teach some action songs and promote the updated FunSongs CD. This was also the first appearance of the new FunSongs T-shirts.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

FunSongs shows and workshops in Valle d'Aosta

All this week the Italy FunSongs Team made up of Amy Hough, Scott Bishop and Charles Goodger will be presenting a series of FunSongs shows and workshops to hundreds of children and teachers in the Valle d'Aosta region of North-West Italy. After a day of school shows in Como Province, FunSongs will be travelling to Aosta on the invitation of the Local Invitation Authority. This is the fourth time we have been to Aosta since Charles Goodger met the Aosta Education Board Inspector for English, Laura Verdura at a TESOL conference in Rome in 2002.

Friday, January 27, 2006

FunSongs radio promotion

Bologna's most listened to radio station Radio International has started promoting the updated FunSongs CD on FM 97.40. In Bologna, the CD is on sale at Feltrinelli International in Via Zamboni. Other branches of Feltrinelli are selling the CD and accompaying booklet in Rome, Milan and Florence. Charles Goodger will be presenting "Action Songs for Learning English" as part of the Eventi per Bambini at Feltrinelli on Sunday 12th February at 11 pm. In London the CD is on sale in the EFL department of Foyles Bookstore in the Charing Cross Road.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Native Americans in Castelguelfo

Native Americans in castelguelfo
Originally uploaded by Charles J..

Last Thursday children at Castelguelfo Primary School took part in our FunSongs Native Americans show, presented by Scott and Amy. The event which had been organized by teacher Maddalena Poletti was a great success and we look forward to returning to the school soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

FunSongs Quiz Show at Liceo Copernico, Bologna

Charles Goodger, Quizmaster

This high profile event took place at one of Bologna's best known High schools, the Liceo Scientifico Copernico in Via Garavaglia, Bologna. Teacher Carmen Scarabino who invited us to Liceo Righi where she was teaching last school year had been favourably impressed with the event and wanted to give her new first formers the experience. At the end it was a draw with both teams scoring the same number of points.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome to a New Year of FunSongs!

Teaching action from "Time to Play"

Gearing up for the New Season

School starts again soon and the FunSongs Team is already gearing up for the new season. Charles Goodger is working on a new action songs project for the teaching training section of Italy's Ministry of Education Indire website. Entitled "The Union Song" based on the song of the same name, it should be available by the end of January. FunSongs Music, Theatre and Quiz Shows start again on January 10th with a high profile European Quiz Show at Liceo Copernico in Bologna. Jazz singer Melissa Stott who last worked for FunSongs in 2003 will be returning to work together with Scott Bishop and Charles Goodger until Amy Hough returns from a vacation in her hometown of Los Angeles.

FunSongs Summer Camp

Charles Goodger has spoken to both Francesco Giacomini and Domenico Neto of Zola Predosa council in the last few days. He wanted to know if the FunSongs Summer Camp project as part of UISP Summer activities will be approved - and therefore eligible for financing. Giacomini was upbeat but vague and all Neto could say was that the Council is undergoing an internal reorganization of its departments and this is prolonging a decision. Final approval, if it ever does, may not arrive before February. FunSongs is now considering making contact with Elena Iacucci of Casalecchio di Reno again after she expressed interest in the FunSongs Summer Camp last November.