Sunday, May 28, 2006

FunSongs English Weeks countdown!

Now that May's almost over, the countdown for the very first FunSongs English Weeks is on! To date 65 children aged between 7 and 11 have enrolled for the event, some for two weeks. FunSongs will be relying on an all-Californian team of teachers and entertainers: Amy Hough, Scott Bishop, Jeff Canada and Emilie Loeb.
Italian teacher of English Massimo Braile will be assisting Charles Goodger and coordinating handycraft activities together with Emilie. FunSongs is grateful to local teachers Rossella Gualandi, Antonella Gasparini and Gloria Vannucchi for their encouragement and support.

The Union Song - teaching module goes live

Kids performing the Union Song

Though completed in January, Italy's INDIRE website, part of the Ministry of Education, waited until mid May to publish Charles Goodger's introduction to language learning action songs in the form of a free module based on the Union Song. The module is restricted to teacher trainees signed up with the training programme. Details of the site can be found at

Letter to Charles Goodger

This shows an extract of a letter (apologies for the poor scan) given to Charles Goodger at a teachers' conference in Venice recently. It was collectively written by Classes 4a and 4b of Marcon Primary School near Venice to tell the creator of FunSongs writer how much they like the songs and which are their favourites. Charles Goodger wrote back personally to the class to thank them.