Sunday, March 19, 2006

March 2006 - an action-packed month!

Scott and Amy teaching "Nature's Plan" at Scuola Cerretta, Bologna

As you can see from the "Calendario degli Eventi,"March 2006 was an action-packed month of FunSongs shows, conferences and workshops, all successful and well-attended.

FunSongs at "A Changing World"

At the National British Council Conference on 23 and 24th, Charles Goodger and Marica Triola demonstrated the power and effectiveness of action songs to an audience of English teachers. With the help of 22 fifth-formers from Bologna's Scuola Carducci where Marica teaches, participants were able to experience the approach first-hand.
The children sang and mimed several new songs including Words for Time and 65 Million years Ago.
The conference provided an invaluable opportunity for those keen to improve their language and teaching skills.

Writer Beppe Severgnini OBE and Charles Goodger
at the Conference

Charles Goodger had the opportunity to meet many old friends and make new contacts in the ELT field. FunSongs is grateful to LEND for allowing us some space on their stand. This collaboration was also extended to DOCET, the school materials exhibition which also took place in Bologna at the end of the month.

FSC - 19th June to 30th June

We can now confirm that the very first FunSongs Summer Camp for Primary school children will take place at the Centro Torrazza alongisde the Scuola Media in Zola Predosa. Families will be able to enrol their children in May.