Saturday, May 30, 2009

FunSongs plenary at Russia conference

Svetlana Ter-Minasova and Charles Goodger in conversation

From 27th to May 31st Charles Goodger and Igors Siminaitis were present at "Languages in the Modern World" held in Kolomna near Moscow - three days of workshops and seminars for language teachers working in Russian schools, universities and institutes. The event provided a useful insight into how English is taught in Primary Schools and how study materials procured. For Charles the best part of the experience was meeting new people, exchanging ideas and experiences and making new friends. The event brought together the crème de la crème of language experts in the Federation including the world famous Dean of the Faculty of Languages at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Svetlana Ter-Minasova.
Charles and Igors presented both a plenary entitled "What is FunSongs?" and a workshop on using language-learning action songs in the classroom which were both appreciated. Also during the conference banquet and dance, Charles and Igor sang, presented and involved participants in "The Monster March." Invitations to several upcoming teacher events including next year's event in Tomsk and an autumn workshop at the Moscow British Council were received.
Other UK language experts at the Kolomna Conference were Gavin Dudeney, Project Director of The Consultants-E and Christopher Graham of Center Com in Moscow. Further photographs and video footage of FunSongs in Russia will be available on the FunSongs Photos group pool soon.