Sunday, March 22, 2009

FunSongs at the British Embassy

FunSongs actresses Audra and Vita presenting the FunSongs
Monster Show to English teachers at the British Embassy, Riga

Last Thursday 18th March Charles Goodger and Vija Blūzme of the National Latvia Puppet Theatre, together with expert actresses Audra and Vija, presented the FunSongs Monster Show to a group of English teachers and press representatives at the British Embassy in the Latvian capital. The first FunSongs Monster Show will be performed on Tuesday. The theatre already has bookings for further shows throughout April.

His Excellency Richard Moon opened proceedings with a short speech on the importance of education and the English language followed by Charles Goodger, who also spoke in Latvian, and then Vija Blūzme, creative director of the National Puppet Theatre. Next the Theatre's bilingual actresses Vita and Audra offered participants a brief sample of the FunSongs Monster Show - designed to give young learners of English a PMA* experience in body vocabulary and verbs of movement.

This was also the début of the new FunSongs puppets Britty and Lati. In Italy FunSongs Shows are performed in Italy in schools using a special puppet theatre. In Latvia, however, the actors are also visible as they manouevre the puppets, a technique typical of Latvian puppetry that lends itself well to the highly interactive nature of FunSongs Show workshops.

* Permanent Memory Acquisition. For further details click here