Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FunSongs Russia launch

Moscow celebration at the Kremlin 

Last week  at the Hotel Revel in Riga Charles Goodger attended a seminar dinner organized by the British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia - an opportunity to meet people and make new contacts. There he spoke to James Fanshawe of the  British Department of Trade and Industry and discussed the possibility of promoting FunSongs in Russia. Tentative plans were made for a field trip to the Ministry of Education in Moscow to present the benefits - and considerable savings for education budgets - of FunSongs materials. In the next few days FunSongs will launch the Russian-language version of its website.

FunSongs rehearsals at the National Puppet Theatre of Latvia

His Excellency Richard Moon with Samuel Goodger, 8

At the seminar event Charles also spoke to the British Ambassador for Latvia, HE Richard Moon. The Embassy supports FunSongs  and its joint project with the National Latvia Puppet Theatre. It was agreed to host a promotional event for teachers and educationalists at the British Embassy on March 18th. The aim is to showcase the FunSongs Show, currently being rehearsed by professional actors at the Latvia Puppet Theatre and scheduled to premiere in the Latvian capital during the last week of March.

Actresses rehearsing "The Monster March" at
the National Latvia Puppet Theatre