Wednesday, November 26, 2008

FunSongs Shows for Latvia Puppet Theatre

Latvia Puppet Theatre, Riga

Last Monday 24th November Charles Goodger met with the administrative staff of the National Latvia Puppet Theatre in Riga to map out plans for FunSongs Show productions - starting early 2009. The idea is that school children from all over the Baltic Republic will come to meet the bilingual puppets Britty and Latty and learn FunSongs action songs in the theatre's small 60-seat experimental venue. There are also plans for an English-Russian version.

Jumava Bookstores FunSongs CD deal

The FunSongs CD "Action Song for Learning English" ISBN 0954396316 is now officially on sale in Latvian Bookshops! Yesterday Charles Goodger reached a deal with Juris Visockis, head of the Jumava Publishing and retailing group. The CD has been selling steadily since it came out some years ago. Just last week FunSongs received repeat orders from the Cambridge International Bookshop, Feltrinelli International and the specialist "Il Libro" bookstore in Milan, Italy. The CD can be ordered on line too. A new FunSongs CD is planned for 2009.