Saturday, August 23, 2008

Best for the world - a new song about our future!

Charles Goodger at Late Conference, Riga, 23 August

FunSongs is proud to announce the latest addition to its catalogue of language-learning action songs: Best for the World.
Suitable for older children the song focuses on the themes of sustainable and unsustainable natural resources, overpopulation, technology and ecology.
Provocative and thought-provoking, Best for the World asks a key question using the first and second person singular and the first person plural of the verb:

Are you doing your best for the world?
Are we doing our best for the world?
Am I doing my best for the world?

From the perspective of vocabulary it can be used to teach and reinforce the names of staple crops and other nouns related to the song's themes. The song also features a direct reference to The Millennium Song in its final seconds.

At the Late Conference where he gave the plenary keynote speech, Charles was invited to talk at other upcoming teacher events in the Baltics in Riga and Vilnius.