Friday, June 06, 2008

Latvian interest in FunSongs action songs

Jeff Canada in action song teaching mode,
FunSongs English Weeks, Zola Predosa

Last Monday 2 June Charles Goodger started a series of teacher development workshops for 75 Latvian Primary School English teachers in Riga. Organized by the Riga Sports and Educational Institute participants were divided into three groups of 25 teachers; each group will spend a total of 9 hours with Charles.

"It's a really worthwhile experience," he says. "These close-up encounters are helping me get a much more focused feel for how English is taught in this country, the system, the level and expectancies of the teachers and so on. Many of them started teaching English when Latvia was still part of the Soviet Union and almost half are Russian speakers. On a more personal level I am happy with the enthusiasm shown for the action songs and the interest from teachers in how a FunSongs learning-language action song can work as the basis of a CLIL-based teaching module."

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