Friday, July 20, 2007

FEWs June 2007 - unforgettable events

Kids performing an action song at FunSongs
English weeks Show in Zola Predosa

This June FunSongs organized six weeks of FEWs - FunSongs English Weeks - in four different locations. In Rome, Chatillon (Valle d'Aosta), Zola Predosa and Bologna.
Thanks to its staff of mother-tongue teachers and team leaders, the events were much appreciated. The format of each FunSongs English Week is based on a series of themes. Participating students are placed in teams, each of which works collectively to develop a particular theme.
This summer there were three teams: The Dino Pack and their special classroom "The Saurus Cave". The Dip Pack's project was the Age of Dinosaurs; the Water Drops in their classroom "Behind the Waterfall" - climate change, ecology and water conservation and the Space Monsters in their classroom "Starship Command" - astronomy and the solar system.
At the end of each FEW, the children exhibted their arts and crafts and performed their action. Som videos of these performances can be viewed on the FunSongs channel at
Given the success and interest in these innovative events, FunSongs is planning to offer FunSongs English Weeks to schools during the school year. Teachers interested in hosting a FunSongs English Weeks are invited to contact the FunSongs Office.