Tuesday, March 20, 2007

FunSongs Seminar in Bergamo

Teachers learning "The Monster March" at a CRT
Lingue Conference, Bergamo 22 February 2007
More than 200 teachers attended a training seminar organized by Bergamo's Centro Risorse Territoriali last 22 February. After a brief presentation by Ispettrice Giovanna Barzanò, Charles Goodger and Emelie Loeb involved participants in a number of song-based TPR techniques. Teachers were also given free material to use in class.
New FunSongs Shows in March
This month sees the launch of two new FunSongs shows for Primary and Prima Media classes: The Dino Show, which showcases aspects of prehistory and the new FunSongs Water show, scheduled for March 30th in Calderino near Bologna. This workshop is based on ecological themes including water conservation and climate change. Downloadable work sheets related to both songs will soon be available on the