Sunday, October 01, 2006

Our Autumn Song!

FunSongs Autumn Show in Modena

More and more schools are acquiring the FunSongs Download licence as teachers come to appreciate how effective using action songs can be in presenting new themes and language. Just last week there were orders from schools in Bologna, Bergamo and Valle d'Aosta.
The staff at FunSongs are busy improving and updating the song packages. For details and samples visit the FunSongs website.
In October Charles Goodger will be busy hosting a series of FunSongs workshops and seminars for teachers in Veneto and Emilia Romagna including a high profile LEND workshop on 20th October at ITIS Nobili in Via Makallé, Reggio Emilia. At the start of November he will be speaking at the national Tesol teachers conference in Naples.
This is also a time of rehearsal and with a spate of FunSongs Halloween shows booked for Halloween and the FunSongs actors Emelie Loeb from California and David Crisante from Sydney are gearing up!. The first shows this season are at a large Istituto Comprensivo near Bergamo on October 26th.
In the meantime work continues on the new FunSongs publication Songs in Action.