Sunday, June 25, 2006

FunSongs English Weeks on Target

Amy, Team Leader of the Time Travellers

After more than a year's planning the very first FunSongs English Weeks project is underway! Every day last week 60 kids aged from 6 to 11 came to the Centro Torrazza in Zola Predosa near Bologna to take part in an intensive programme of action songs, games, competitions and handicrafts.

Children found themselves in one of four teams: Time Travellers with Amy Hough, Rainbow Kids with Scott Bishop, Space Monsters with Jeff Canada and Dino Pack with Emilie Loeb. Lots of fun and learning were had by all and many kids decided to enrol for the second week. As well as his stalwart Californian team leaders, Charles Goodger, who organized the event, was ably assisted by Massimo Braile, a local English teacher at the nearby Scuola Elementare Albergati.

Appreciation for FunSongs Rome shows

Amy and Scott performing the FunSongs
Monster Show, Rome April 2006

We were naturally glad to receive a highly complimentary review of the FunSongs shows performed in Rome at Scuola Elementare Lombroso Besso 105th Circolo in Rome last April including a mention on this important school's website. The teacher who invited us, Marzia Catalani, wrote this: "Abbiamo tutti trovato molto interessante il vostro modo di usare la lingua inglese attraverso il teatro e le canzoni e ciò che abbiamo visto sarà un buono spunto per i nostri lesson plans del prossimo anno scolastico. Le scrivo di seguito l'indirizzo del sito. Si trova una recensione sulla pagina "I nostri Progetti" per l'anno 2005-2006. Ringrazio Lei e la FunSongs e auguro a tutti voi buone vacanze."

I couldn't have put it better myself!