Friday, January 27, 2006

FunSongs radio promotion

Bologna's most listened to radio station Radio International has started promoting the updated FunSongs CD on FM 97.40. In Bologna, the CD is on sale at Feltrinelli International in Via Zamboni. Other branches of Feltrinelli are selling the CD and accompaying booklet in Rome, Milan and Florence. Charles Goodger will be presenting "Action Songs for Learning English" as part of the Eventi per Bambini at Feltrinelli on Sunday 12th February at 11 pm. In London the CD is on sale in the EFL department of Foyles Bookstore in the Charing Cross Road.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Native Americans in Castelguelfo

Native Americans in castelguelfo
Originally uploaded by Charles J..

Last Thursday children at Castelguelfo Primary School took part in our FunSongs Native Americans show, presented by Scott and Amy. The event which had been organized by teacher Maddalena Poletti was a great success and we look forward to returning to the school soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

FunSongs Quiz Show at Liceo Copernico, Bologna

Charles Goodger, Quizmaster

This high profile event took place at one of Bologna's best known High schools, the Liceo Scientifico Copernico in Via Garavaglia, Bologna. Teacher Carmen Scarabino who invited us to Liceo Righi where she was teaching last school year had been favourably impressed with the event and wanted to give her new first formers the experience. At the end it was a draw with both teams scoring the same number of points.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome to a New Year of FunSongs!

Teaching action from "Time to Play"

Gearing up for the New Season

School starts again soon and the FunSongs Team is already gearing up for the new season. Charles Goodger is working on a new action songs project for the teaching training section of Italy's Ministry of Education Indire website. Entitled "The Union Song" based on the song of the same name, it should be available by the end of January. FunSongs Music, Theatre and Quiz Shows start again on January 10th with a high profile European Quiz Show at Liceo Copernico in Bologna. Jazz singer Melissa Stott who last worked for FunSongs in 2003 will be returning to work together with Scott Bishop and Charles Goodger until Amy Hough returns from a vacation in her hometown of Los Angeles.

FunSongs Summer Camp

Charles Goodger has spoken to both Francesco Giacomini and Domenico Neto of Zola Predosa council in the last few days. He wanted to know if the FunSongs Summer Camp project as part of UISP Summer activities will be approved - and therefore eligible for financing. Giacomini was upbeat but vague and all Neto could say was that the Council is undergoing an internal reorganization of its departments and this is prolonging a decision. Final approval, if it ever does, may not arrive before February. FunSongs is now considering making contact with Elena Iacucci of Casalecchio di Reno again after she expressed interest in the FunSongs Summer Camp last November.